SMK Telkom is telecommunication vacational school. There are two departments here, they are Transmition and TKJ ( Teknik Komputer Jaringan ). We study about math, chemistry, physics, indonesian language, english, `kewirausahawan`, sport, history, social, religion, tba (tulis, baca Al-Qur`an), art, science , biology. Not only the general subjects we got here but also the productive subjects such as telecommunication system, digital electronic, analog electronic, computer, repair mobile phone, and power suplay. SMK Telkom also give scholarships for achievement students.
We have some ekskul, one of them is GEMEL (Gemar Elektronika). Gemel just receives 12 members every year. So, it`s so difficult to join this ekskul. The first test is writting, the second is interview, and the last is interview again. Can you imagine that?? So, the members of Gemel have to increase the quality such as attendents, the material that we want to learn , etc.
The graduated in SMK Telkom are received in many job places, such as PT Telkom, PT.Telkomsel, PT.Lintas Arta, Exelkomindo, Perbankan, PT. Kisel, PT.Intisel, PT.Indosat, PT. PLN, etc. And the others continou to university such as Unhas, UGM, UNM, IT Telkom Bandung, IM Telkom Bandung, STAN, etc.
Every student in the first grade has to join the observation in PT.Telkom just for two weeks. We are given chance to choose the location where we want to do the observation.
Afterwards in the third grade in first semester, we have to join PSG program. It`s about 3 months. All of the students can choose the location by themselves, such as PT.Telkom in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Makassar, Balikpapan, etc.