Saturday, 17th of May 2008.
ELC make
speech contest for Junior High School and Senior High School. For Senior High School, There are 34 contestants join the competition from schools in Makassar such as SMU 1, SMU 2, SMU 17, SMU Katolik Rajawali, SMU Katolik Cendrawasih, SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra 2 (Technology) ,SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra 1 (Tourism), SMU Man Model 2, SMU 8, SMK 5, SMU 21, SMU 14 , SMU Unismuh, SMK 7, SMU Kartika, etc. And each school bring 2 contestants except SMU Katolik Rajawali, it brings 4 contestants. ELC make competition to celebrate its birthday. There are many excellent contestants from the speech contest. So, it is very difficult to know who will be the first,the second, and the third winner. One of juries is foreigner. The competition is very tight. The theme is given by committee is “English is A Global Language”.
After the juries count the score all of contestants, finally they announce that the third winner is the contestant from SMU 17, The second winner from SMU 2, and the first winner from SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra 2. Wow, it is very fantastic, I`m be the first winner??? I can`t believe it. But, it`s the real. So, I want to say thank you very much to Allah SWT, my teachers who have taught me how to speech well, my parents who always support me to join the competition. And also ELC who has given me opportunity to increase my English skill to join the speech competition and for all of my friends who always listen to practice my speech. May the next competition, I still have occasion to join and be the winner again.