Saturday, 17th of May 2008.
ELC make
speech contest for Junior High School and Senior High School. For Senior High School, There are 34 contestants join the competition from schools in Makassar such as SMU 1, SMU 2, SMU 17, SMU Katolik Rajawali, SMU Katolik Cendrawasih, SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra 2 (Technology) ,SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra 1 (Tourism), SMU Man Model 2, SMU 8, SMK 5, SMU 21, SMU 14 , SMU Unismuh, SMK 7, SMU Kartika, etc. And each school bring 2 contestants except SMU Katolik Rajawali, it brings 4 contestants. ELC make competition to celebrate its birthday. There are many excellent contestants from the speech contest. So, it is very difficult to know who will be the first,the second, and the third winner. One of juries is foreigner. The competition is very tight. The theme is given by committee is “English is A Global Language”.
After the juries count the score all of contestants, finally they announce that the third winner is the contestant from SMU 17, The second winner from SMU 2, and the first winner from SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra 2. Wow, it is very fantastic, I`m be the first winner??? I can`t believe it. But, it`s the real. So, I want to say thank you very much to Allah SWT, my teachers who have taught me how to speech well, my parents who always support me to join the competition. And also ELC who has given me opportunity to increase my English skill to join the speech competition and for all of my friends who always listen to practice my speech. May the next competition, I still have occasion to join and be the winner again.
Kamis, 15 Mei 2008. Kelas 1E1 SMK Telkom SP.2
Presentasi Perbaikan HP oleh Kelompok 10, yg beranggotakan :
Mutiah Muftihaturrahmah, Faisal, dan A. Rezky Amalia
Tips menjaga performa baterai HP:
Saat melakukan pengisian (charger), HP harus dalam keadaan off.
Dalam pengisisian ulang baterai Lithium, dapat dilakukan tanpa harus menunggu isinya benar-benar habis. Tapi, untuk baterai Nikel, harus menunggu dulu isinya benar-benar habis. Ini disebabkan karena baterai Nikel memiliki efek memori.
Jangan meletakkan HP di dekat barang-barang elektronik, seperti TV, komputer, radio, dll. Karena keduanya dapat saling merusak akibat gelombang elektromagnetik yang dipancarkan kedua benda tersebut.
Saat dilakukan pengisian, bila baterai sudah penuh, segera cabut chargernya. Karena, ini dapat menyebabkan baterai menggelembung bahkan meledak. Sebab, energi listrik yang tadinya berubah menjadi energi kimia saat dicharge, bisa berubah lagi menjadi energi panas jika terus dilakukan pengisian walaupun baterainya sudah menunjukkan `full charge`.
Pengisian pertama harus full. Karena pengisian pertama menentukan usia baterai. Soalnya, pada saat melakukan pengisian pertama , disitulah seluruh sel-sel baterai mulai diaktifkan agar dapat berfungsi maksimal.
Jangan gunakan ponsel saat dilakukan pengisian. Karena akan terjadi arus masuk dan arus keluar secara bergantian yang tentunya mengakibatkan rusaknya molekul-molekul dalam baterai dan pastinya akan menambah beban pada peoses kimia dalam baterai.
Jangan sering-sering char ger di mobil. Karena, voltase output pada pematik api yang kita gunakan itu sering tidak stabil, yang mengakibatkan tidak stabilnya arus yang masuk dalam baterai.
Jangan menelpon dalam kondisi bergerak dengan kecepatan tinggi. Karena, di situlah baterai ponsel akan terkuras energinya.
Jangan menjalankan aktifitas ganda pada ponsel.
Sesi Tanya Jawab :
Kel. 12 oleh Rahmi Andriyani Syam:
soal : Mengapa baterai lebih capat lowbatt di desa daripada di kota ?
Jawab : Kan kita tahu bahwa di desa itu jumlah BTS nya lebih sedikit daripada jumlah BTS di kota. Sehingga, jika kita menelpon di desa maka yang baterai gunakan adalah high mode power, yang tentunya akan menguras kerja baterai. Karena, jika kita sedang menelpon, ponsel berusaha untuk mencari BTS terdekat yang berkualitas bagus. Lantas, jika kita menelpon di kota, kesempatan menangkap sinyal BTS yang terdekat dan berkualitas lebih mudah. Itulah mengapa pada saat di kota ponsel menggunakan low mode power, yang tentunya tidak menguras kerja baterai.
Kel.11 oleh Dina Nurjannah:
Soal : Mengapa NiCd dapat berdampak negatif terhadap lingkungan? Dan apa yang menyebabkan performa baterai akan berkuran saat digunakan dalam kondisi berkecepatan tinggi?
Jawab : NiCd dapat berdampak negatif terhadap lingkungan kerena dalam baterai itu terjadi reaksi kimia. Dan ini juga merupakan jenis baterai pertama sehingga belum memperhatikan sifat yang ramah lingkungan.
Jangan menelpon saat dalam kecepatan tinggi. Artinya , saat kita berada dalam kendaraan. Karena saat berada dalam kendaraan yang melaju cukup cepat lantas kita sedang menelpon. Maka ponsel akan menggunakan high mode power untuk mencari BTS terdekat dan berkualitas baik. Pada saat kita menjauh dari BTS maka ponsel akan mencari BTS lain yang terdekat, begitu seterusnya. Sehingga performa batera ponsel bisa berkurang.
Kel. 9 oleh Andy Pradipta :
Soal : Apakah NiCd tidak memiliki senyawa kima ?
Jawab : Kami pikir, semua jenis baterai itu memiliki senyawa kimia, karena kalau misalnya tidak memiliki senyawa kimia bagaimana caranya untuk melakukan reaksi kimia.
Kel. 8 oleh Wndi Wijaya :
Soal : Mengapa ada baterai yang memiliki 3 pin konektor sedangkan ada juga yang memiliki 2 pin konektor , apa kelebihannya?
Jawab : Menurut kami, jumlah pin konektor baterai berbeda hanya untuk menyesuaikan dengan pin konektor yang berada pada ponsel yang ditempatinya. Sehingga, kami pikir kelebihannya sama saja jika dilihat dari fungsinya tapi perbedaannya hanya terletak pada jumlah pin konektornya.
Kel. 6 oleh Mentari Eka Putri:
Soal : Mengapa baterai saat di charge, indikatornya menunjukkan baterai penuh. Tapi ketika dicabut, indkatornya menyatakan lowbatt ?
Jawab : Ada beberapa alasan mengapa bisa terjadi seperti itu. Pertama , karena ada salah satu atau semua pin konektor baterai tidak menyentuh pin konektor pada ponsel. Alasan kedua, bisa saja charger yang Mentari gunakan itu tidak original. Alasan ketika, baterai Mentari sudah kosong sekali sehingga tidak dapat dilakukan pengisian. Jika dilakukan pengukuran banterai Anda akan menunjukkan voltase di bawah 40% dari seharusnya. Sehingga, walaupun indikator baterai menunjakan full tapi sebenarnya belum terisi.
Kel.4 oleh Suryaningsih :
Soal : Li-Po terbuat dari apa dan apa kelebihan serta kekurangannya?
Jawab : Li-Po terbuat dari senyawa kimia tentunya. Kelebihannya, kapasitas lebih besar daripada jenis baterai sebelumnya dan juga ramah lingkungan. Kekurangannya, Li-Po memiliki life time dan harganya relatif mahal jika dibandingkan dengan jenis baterai sebelumnya.
”Kalaupun masih ada terdapat kesalahan dalam presentasi kami, kami mohon maaf karena `Nobody is perfect`. Kami juga menerima komentar dan saran dari pembaca agar kami dapat menambah pengetahuan dan tidak mengulangi kesalahan kami lagi. Terima kasih sebelumnya.”

Cleopatra was queen of Egypt about 2,000 years ago. She was intelligent, proud, strong-willed, and she was determined to keep her country free from invaders. When Egypt’s army was defeated by the Romans, Cleopatra decided she would rather die than be taken captive. According to legend, she held a poisonous snake to her body. The snake bit her, and she died.
Cleopatra was the daughter of the pharaoh (ruler) of Egypt. In 51 bc, when Cleopatra was 17 or 18, her father died. Cleopatra and her 12-year-old brother became the rulers of Egypt. Three years later, her brother declared that he should be the only ruler. He forced Cleopatra to leave Egypt.
Cleopatra started putting together an army to fight her brother. But before war began, Roman general Julius Caesar arrived in Egypt. Cleopatra decided to ask Caesar for help. But how was she going to get back into Egypt, past her brother’s guards? She came up with a clever plan. Her servants rolled her into a carpet, and delivered it as a gift to Caesar. When the carpet was unrolled, out stepped Cleopatra.
Cleopatra’s plan succeeded. Caesar helped Cleopatra defeat her brother. She was again Egypt’s queen.
Caesar fell in love with Cleopatra. When Caesar returned to Rome, Cleopatra visited him there. Caesar promised that the Roman army would not invade Egypt. Then in 44 bc, Caesar was murdered, and Cleopatra returned to Egypt.
After her return, Cleopatra ruled Egypt without interference for several years. In 41 bc, however, Roman general Mark Antony demanded that Cleopatra meet with him.
Cleopatra was in a difficult situation. She knew that the powerful Roman army could invade Egypt at any time. Cleopatra agreed to meet with Antony, but surprised him by arriving on a magnificent ship, seated on her royal throne. Antony, too, fell in love with the proud queen.
In 35 bc, Antony married Cleopatra and they lived in Egypt. The next year, they announced that they were the rulers of the eastern part of the Roman Empire. This included Egypt and most of the Middle East.
The Roman rulers were angered by this. Roman general Octavian declared war on Antony and Cleopatra. In 31 bc, Octavian won the war and took over Egypt. Both Antony and Cleopatra killed themselves.

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, on March 14, 1879. He grew up in Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. Einstein taught himself geometry when he was 12 years old. School bored him because it required endless memorizing and reciting. He often skipped classes to study on his own or to play his violin. Yet he graduated from college in 1900 and earned a Ph.D. degree in 1905. From 1902 to 1907, Einstein worked as a clerk in the patent office in Zürich, Switzerland. His job left him plenty of time to think.
Einstein thought about the rules that govern the way the world works. For example, he explained why small particles in liquids wiggle around, a movement called Brownian motion. He said that the particles were being bumped into by tiny bits of matter called atoms that are too small to see.
He also thought about light and electricity. Einstein knew that light shining on metal sometimes causes electricity to flow. He explained this result, called the photoelectric effect, by saying that light is made of tiny bundles of energy called photons. Photons hitting the metal knock particles called electrons away. Since electricity is simply moving electrons, he had solved the mystery of the photoelectric effect. In 1921, Einstein won the most famous prize in science, the Nobel Prize, for this work.
Another thing Einstein thought about was time. He said that time does not always flow at the same rate. He proposed that motion affects time. He called this idea the special theory of relativity.
Einstein then came up with his general theory of relativity. This theory has a new explanation for gravity. Einstein said that gravity comes from curves or dents in the fabric of space. Objects make dents in space the way a bowling ball makes a dent in a mattress. The Moon falls into the dent made by Earth and rolls around the Earth. Scientists later proved that the dent a star makes in space-time bends light as the light passes by.
Einstein changed physics by showing that new ideas could come just from thinking. Before Einstein, most new ideas in physics had come from experiments in the laboratory.
Einstein also said that matter and energy are the same thing. He expressed this relation in a famous equation: E=mc2. This equation says that energy (E) equals mass (m) times the speed of light squared (c2). Energy can therefore be changed into matter, and matter into energy. The ability to turn matter into energy led to the development of the atomic bomb and nuclear power.