Dropped phone puts man`s life in danger

This happend in Beijing(19th oct 2010). A chinese man who got his arm stuck in a toilet pipe in attempt to retrieve his dropped mobile phone was freed by rescuers.
The recue workers were very shocked when they arrived on the scene, they found the man crouched over the toilet in the bathroom stall, his entire arm submerged up to the shoulder in the drain.
Could you imagine that??


Recently, there has been increasing awareness of the inadecuacies judicial in the United States. Staggering costs happen both for taxpayers and litigants. The litigants and parties have to wait sometimes for many years before having their day court. There are many suggestions that have been given to ameliorate the situation, but as in branches government, changes come slowly.

One suggestion that has been made to optimize the efficiency of the system is to allow districts that have an overabundance of cases to borrow judges from other district that do not have such a backlog.

Another suggestions is to make pretrial conferences, in which judges meet the litigants and their attorneys, in order can know deeply about the issues. The theory behind the pretrial conferences are that the judges can spend less time on each cases and the parties can more readily to settle. Unfortunately, at least one study shows that pretrial conferences spend more judges time than they save, rarely result in the pretrial court, and actually we just get the result from a higher court.
Now, many states have established another method, named, small court claims, in which over small sums of money can be disposed. Such proceedings cost the litigants almost nothing. For example, in California, the parties must appear before the judges without assistant counsel. The proceedings are quite informal and there is no pleading. The litigants are only allowed to make one sentence statement of their claims. The plaintiff waives any right to a jury trial court and right to appeal the decision.

In coming years, we can expect more and more innovations in continuing effort to remedy a situation which must be remedied if the citizen who have valid claims are going to be able to have their day in court.


# Comment altez vous?

- Je tre`s bien

# Comment vous appellez vous?

- Je m`appelle Mutiah

# D`ou venez vous?

- Je viens de Makassar

# Ou habitez vous?

- Je habite a`rue Kumala

# Quel age avez vous?

- Je dixhuit ans

# Est-ce que vous etes etudiant?

- Oui, Je suis etudiant

At the first time I studied about it, I thought it`s very difficult because I got the differentiation between how to write the word and how to pronounce the word. But, I remember when the diamond said to me that nothing is difficult if you always think it`s easy, everything will become easy.

I do hope I can reach the diamond faster than I predict.

Diamond Shelter

Since a couple of days, I had to get use to run in my daily activities. Think that I have to force myself to reach my real diamond. Nobody can help me to reach it, but I`m sure, one day the diamond will come to me. I got this from someone and that`s you. You always make me believe that the dreams will come true. You give me some texts every single day and stimulate my brain to think to the future that is not impossible to get it.

In the other hand, I really feel sad when I realized that you`ve left me and gone far-far away. Now, you`re trying to remove myself in your mind but at least I know that my name will always stay in your brain. I never forget when you said to me, “No more calls, no more texts. Do not send me text in this number. This is the last day between you and me send text. If you want to send me text, just send in my email.” These words really hurt me at all. I never thought that it will be out of your mouth. It`s going to get even worse. I almost out of my control. But I have to get use with this atmosphere.

You are the best one that I`ve ever met. Wish you allright there. May Allah bless you.